Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Update & Prayers for Test Results

Novel went back to the doctor today for his blood work. The doctor seems to think that he is doing "above average" in his recovery progress. We were glad to hear that! It will be 7 business days before we receive the results of the blood work.

The doctor says there is a possibility that the numbers will not be low this first time, especially since Novel has had some problems. The inflammation may still be too much to give an accurate reading. We are praying that everything will be okay. God has been so good to us! He has answered our prayers and Novel has done so well through all of this. We are very thankful for the blessings of friends who love and care for us, and are diligent with their prayers!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Anchor Holds!

Novel had his last radiation treatment yesterday! We are rejoicing!!! He goes back to the doctor on May 5th for blood work and then again in 3 months, pending the results of the blood work.

Unfortunately, he had a terrible weekend with a couple of sleepless nights and no rest at all. The doctor had increased his radiation treatments and we feel the side effects Novel was experiencing were a result of the radiation. Now that he is finished with his radiation treatments, he is looking forward to getting his body functions back to a more normal state and getting some much needed rest! The doctor gave him some pointers and told him to take Advil twice a day. Monday evening he had a better night's sleep and a restful night.

While reading my daily devotion this morning it said, "To realize the worth of the anchor, we need to feel the stress of the storm". How true! Thanks for all of the prayers--everyone has been so kind and thoughtful throughout this journey. May God richly bless you!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Continued Improvement!

Novel is on his fifth week of treatments (as of April 3rd) out of seven weeks. He still has some issues, but nothing major as the doctor says that what he is experiencing is normal for what he is going through. His prostate is slowly shrinking! Praise the Lord!

We are so thankful for his progress. God has answered our prayers in keeping him from any bad experiences and taking care of him.

"The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." Psalms 18:2

Thursday, March 12, 2009

An Update from Martha...

Novel completed his first week of treatments on Friday, March 6th. He has 6 more weeks to go or 30 more treatments. Everything went well and we praise the Lord for that. So far no reaction!! Novel is resting better at night now and we thank the Lord for letting him get a better nights rest. We are praying for a good Gleason Score at the end of his treatments. Also pray for Novel's traveling safety, he has 55 plus miles that he has to travel each day to get back and forth to his treatments. Thank you for all of your prayers and concern. God is good!

Wait upon the LORD; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say, on the LORD. Psalms 27:14

Monday, March 2, 2009

Treatment begins...

Novel went to the Radiotherapy center this past Friday and got his "tatoos" (marks), one on each side and one on his "belly". This prepared him for the treatments which began today. The doctor said that he will have a total of 35 treatments. The treatments require traveling to Decatur, Georgia every day except Saturday and Sunday.

Novel's energy level is low and he tires easily so he has been laying down some during the day which he is not normally accustomed to doing. But, the rest helps him feel better and so he naps, sometimes under protest!

Please continue to keep Novel and Martha in your prayers. Psalms 29:11, "The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Message from Martha...

The last check-up went well. We were at the Doctor all of 15 minutes and they only did a c-scan and we were back home in less than 2 hours! He goes back to the Doctor on Friday, Feb. 27 and they will "mark" him for his radiation treatment. We do not know if they will begin the treatments that day or not, but Novel understood that they will.

He is still having to get up during the night to go to the bathroom so he still isn't getting a good nights' rest. But it is getting better. He did speak to the nurse about him having to go so often during the night and she said that it was part of the after effects of the procedure.

Please continue to remember Novel and Martha in your prayers and don't forget to send them an encouraging word today either by posting a comment or emailing them (link to their email is on the sidebar on the right).

We will post updates as they become available!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Latest Update....

Yesterday Novel went back to the doctor was able to get the catheter removed! It was a long, anxious day of waiting and praying and they are both so thankful to the Lord for answered prayer!

He is to double up on his Flomax meds (which helps the enlarged prostate) and go back to the Radiotherapy office on Feb. 19 for a check up. Please continue to pray that his body will go back to its normal function and that the swelling won't cause any difficulty or complications that would require another catheter.

Novel and Martha covet your prayers and will continue to send updates as they become available.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Slight Set-Back

Thursday night, Novel's catheter developed a blockage and he and Martha spent 2 1/2 hours in the emergency room at Fayette Medical. They were hoping to flush out the catheter and remove the blockage, but were unsuccessful. So, they had to replace it with a new catheter.

Friday morning Novel had an appointment with the Radiologist that did the seed implant procedure. The doctor was going to check his work with a C-Scan and also hopefully remove the catheter. Unfortunately, Novel came home with a new catheter. He is to return to the Doctor on Wednesday, but in the meantime, is supposed to drink plenty of fluids and "double up" on his Flomax meds. Please pray that the Doctor will see progress on Wednesday and will be able to remove the catheter.

[Sidenote: remember the gentleman that Novel allowed to go in front of him for the procedure that was having so much anxiety? They were at the Doctor's office as well, and Novel and Martha found out he had a seizure---first time in his life. But he met all the "requirements" to get to go home without spending any extra time at the doctor's office. Novel and Martha did discover they are believers and had an enjoyable time talking with them. Please remember to keep this couple in your prayers as well.]

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ". Ephesians 5:20

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The First Step

Today Novel had his seed implant procedure and is home and doing well. Just a glimpse into his day...there were 6 of his Sunday School Class members with him at the hospital, along with Martha and their daughters, Tressa and Jennifer.

He was about 30 minutes later going back for his procedure because there was a gentleman who was there for the same procedure who was having severe nervous problems, almost an anxiety attack, and Novel allowed him to go ahead of him. Isn't that just like our sweet guy?! The man and his wife, along with the doctors and nurses were very appreciative!

Novel's procedure involved implanting 90 seeds. Martha says he came out of the anesthesia talking! Isn't that just like our sweet guy also?! He is home and resting, and enjoyed a scrambled egg sandwich and a cup of coffee. Please continue to pray for his healing.

GOOD NEWS! The Doctors got a second opinion on the biopsy and instead of the Gleason score being 9 as they originally thought, 3 pathologists (experts in their field) have indicated that the Gleason score is a 7. [The Gleason Score shows how fast the cancer is growing--6 being average, 7-8 is fast, 9-10 is very fast.] They are so thankful to their Father in heaven for answered prayer.

"The joy of the Lord is my strength." Neh. 8:10

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Beginning...

It all started back in October of 2008 at a routine Doctor's visit, it was discovered that Novel's PSA count was higher than normal. After seeing a urologist in November, a date was set in December to further biopsy the prostate. On December 22nd, the results indicated that Novel had prostate cancer. In mid January, Novel had an appointment for consultation at the Radiotherapy Clinic concerning the seed implant procedure. The date of February 5th was set for the seed implant procedure.

Please keep Novel and Martha in your prayers as he undergoes this procedure. They are claiming Psalm 57:1 "Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee. Yea, in the shadow of they wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be passed by."