Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Slight Set-Back

Thursday night, Novel's catheter developed a blockage and he and Martha spent 2 1/2 hours in the emergency room at Fayette Medical. They were hoping to flush out the catheter and remove the blockage, but were unsuccessful. So, they had to replace it with a new catheter.

Friday morning Novel had an appointment with the Radiologist that did the seed implant procedure. The doctor was going to check his work with a C-Scan and also hopefully remove the catheter. Unfortunately, Novel came home with a new catheter. He is to return to the Doctor on Wednesday, but in the meantime, is supposed to drink plenty of fluids and "double up" on his Flomax meds. Please pray that the Doctor will see progress on Wednesday and will be able to remove the catheter.

[Sidenote: remember the gentleman that Novel allowed to go in front of him for the procedure that was having so much anxiety? They were at the Doctor's office as well, and Novel and Martha found out he had a seizure---first time in his life. But he met all the "requirements" to get to go home without spending any extra time at the doctor's office. Novel and Martha did discover they are believers and had an enjoyable time talking with them. Please remember to keep this couple in your prayers as well.]

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ". Ephesians 5:20


  1. Just want you both to know that we are praying for you and your family. We've been through this too with my Dad, so know how difficult it can be. Love y'all!

  2. I'm a friend of Tracey Kirksey and she asked that her friends pray for you. I am from Dothan, AL. I know that God hears our prayers. He has taught me so much about asking and waiting. I pray you will have peace as you wait on the Lord to do a great work in you! God Bless!

  3. Praying for you as you go through your treatments. Prayers for healing, comfort, and peace. FBCJ is blessed to have you as a part of our church family and we wish you well.

  4. Hi

    I'm also a friend of Tracey's and wanted you to know that you're in my prayers too.


  5. Hey Dad and Mom
    Just wanted you to know I'm praying that everything goes smooth tomorrow and you get to leave that catheter behind!!
